INTERNATIONAL CYBER CUP WarCraft III / DotA AllStars / Custom Games & Stats

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Stealth Assasin


  • Strength


  • Agility


  • Intelligence


Advanced Statistics

Damage: 38-42 Armor: 6
Movespeed: 290 Attack range: 128
Attack speed: 1.7 Health: 473
Health per level: 38 Mana: 182
Mana per level: 13


Born heir Satyr, Rikimaru studied with the most powerful warriors of his race. However, the power of the Burning Legion has corrupted many of its kind, turning them into mad animals. Vowing revenge Scourge, he honed his skills for battle. Using a small increase in its own interests, he can make himself invisible and attack from behind. But when using the smoke as cover he becomes nearly untouchable. Notes: — Damage type: magical. — Locked invulnerability spell. — The spell will stop if Luna is going to die, but 10 seconds of the night will continue. — Eclipse depends on the level of Lucent Beam. — Lucent Beam from Eclipse does not stun. — With Aghanim's Scepter hovering over the area gives the 675 ground review.


Smoke screen

Smoke screen

Throws a smoke bomb into the area, which makes it impossible for opponents to use magic and makes you miss most of their attacks. Slows movement speed by 25% at all levels.

Duration: 6
Chance misses: 40% / 50% / 60% / 70%
Radius: 250 / 275 / 300 / 325
Cast range: 550
Requires mana 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Recharge: 11

— Locked invulnerability spell.
— Silence, slowing and slips secured with aura. The debuff lingers for 0.5 seconds.

Permanent Invisibility

Permanent Invisibility

Rikimaru becomes invisible when not attacking and don't use spells.

Delay fade: 8 / 6 / 4 / 2
Health regeneration per second of invisibility: 6 / 8 / 10 / 12

— Not blocked by invulnerability spell.
— You cannot disable it using break.
— Illusions can use this ability.
— When using items and abilities invisibility is not interrupted.



Stabbed in the back is a new passive ability. Rikimaru does not shun the techniques of vile murderers and attacks the target from behind for applying it more damage.

Bonus damage from skill: 0.5 x / 0.75 x / 1x / 1.25 x

— Damage type: physical.
— Not blocked by invulnerability spell.
— You can disable it using break.
— Can be used by illusions.
Not a unique attack modifier.

Blink Strike

Blink Strike

Teleports to a unit, and if it is an enemy, deals additional damage.

Cast range: 800
Number of charges: 4 / 5 / 6
Additional damage: 40 / 70 / 100
Requires mana: 40
Recharge: 30

— Damage type: magical.
— Damage blocked by invulnerability to spells and the jump — no.
— Can be used on the courier.